Media, Radical Relationality, and the Cthulucene

Lissette Lorenz, PhD candidate in science and technology studies (STS), published two pieces in a recent special issue of Art + Media: Journal of Art and Media Studies. This issue, called "Cosmographies of Worlding and Unworlding", was guest edited by Cornell's Professor of Practice Jon McKenzie.


In her essay, "We Are All Monsters: Radical Relationality During Planetary Crisis.", Lorenz examines three imagined representations of nuclear apocalypse, borrowing and extending Donna J. Haraway’s concept of the Chthulucene. Augmenting the concept of the Anthropocene with Haraway’s Chthulucene, or “age of monsters,” Lorenz suggests that reimaging ourselves as monsters and identifying with other creature on Earth could help us address the planetary crisis in a more effective and meaningful way.


The second piece is a review of Hannah Star Rogers' Art, Science, and the Politics of Knowledge. Rogers' book sets up guidance for an emerging subdiscipline of art, science, and technology studies (ASTS) called art-science. They argue that the strict dichotomy set up by the respective communities limits the potential value of new contributors forced to appease one group or the other for acceptance and funding. Furthermore, past contributions can be reexamined for greater meaning and value. This approach would be especially impactful for studying complex socio-political phenomena within and beyond the individual disciplines.

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